Larie's Blog

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year 2008!!!

1. So I was reflecting on all the important things in life and I came up with this list of values, things I should spend more time with in the coming year:

1. God
2. family and friends and pets
3. fluffy blankets
4. warm house
5. fluffy PJ's
6. fluffy couch
7. more fluffy blankets
8. even more fluffy blankets

2. I have always had a difficult time with new year's resolutions. Not that I don't have lots of things that I need to change, I just don't believe very much in my own ability to accomplish them. So, I usually don't make them, but since I am being pressured... here goes...

1. spend more time in the word
2. spend more time in prayer
3. eat more veggies, simple foods, less processed foods
4. exercise at least 3 days per week

There are only 4 because that is quite enough for my simple mind...


At 8:55 PM, Blogger limkenfl said...

Good Resolution Larie!
Fluffy is a theme eh? Hey are you on Facebook? If no get on it! You can meet alot of old school friends! Like blogging but easier!


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