Larie's Blog

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Sabbath Blessings!

So nice to have a Sabbath off!!! I have a thankful heart these days. God is good to me.
Today I went to the Stone Tower SDA Church which is just a few blocks from my house. I'm not sure why I didn't go there sooner. I've visited almost every other church in the vancouver/portland area, or so it seemes and got so tired of church hunting especially when I have so few Sabbaths off per year. For a long time I did not know this church was here because I rarely drive on the particular road it is on. Then when I did notice it I wanted to visit it, but was skeptical and figured it was probably like all the rest.
Finally I went today and while I was sitting in the pew at the end of the service, who was walking down the aisle, but Jed Lee (has a wife and little boy now). We recognized each other and chatted a bit, then he introduced me to a dozen or so people. He said this church is "right on" and they are active in evangelism. It is a nice little church, the size that is right for me to get involved in. Praise God!!! I think this is now my new church.

Otherwise I am pleased that I have only a little over 5 months left of residency. It is nice now to be finishing some things, doing last rotations of a particular kind. My senior presentation is this Monday, which I have been working on for almost 3 months on and off. This will be my last big power point presentation of the year so it will be nice to have nearly all the busy work finished after that. Then I can just focus on studying for internal medicine boards and taking last advantage of the wonderful faculty members that we have here.

By the way... does anyone know of a dermatologist in the Loma Linda area that I could do a dermatology rotation with for about the last 2 weeks of May? Let me know. If there is someone I might come down there for a couple weeks.

Have a blessed week and rest of the Sabbath!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year 2008!!!

1. So I was reflecting on all the important things in life and I came up with this list of values, things I should spend more time with in the coming year:

1. God
2. family and friends and pets
3. fluffy blankets
4. warm house
5. fluffy PJ's
6. fluffy couch
7. more fluffy blankets
8. even more fluffy blankets

2. I have always had a difficult time with new year's resolutions. Not that I don't have lots of things that I need to change, I just don't believe very much in my own ability to accomplish them. So, I usually don't make them, but since I am being pressured... here goes...

1. spend more time in the word
2. spend more time in prayer
3. eat more veggies, simple foods, less processed foods
4. exercise at least 3 days per week

There are only 4 because that is quite enough for my simple mind...